

Pattern change. How we save our economy

As one of the leading industrial nations, Germany is known for reliability, excellent products and a high work ethic. But now the German economy is facing the threat of intellectual insolvency; it is looking increasingly embarrassed. The land of poets and thinkers is degenerating into a master of the half-baked, unable to finish building railroad stations or airports and failing to manage coronavirus and the like. The German economy is losing its innovative strength and is in danger of getting stuck in old patterns of education and work: in terms of personnel, structure and technology.

Markus Väth astutely analyzes the weak points of our work and economic system and at the same time points the way to the future. He is convinced that we can only solve Germany’s structural economic problems and create a sustainable working world if we simultaneously affirm and reform our economy and our labor system.

Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-3967390872

Consultant twilight. How companies can help themselves

Markus Väth shows why conventional management consulting has no future and how companies can help themselves by applying simple principles and become empowered organizations.
At the same time, the author formulates an alternative to traditional consulting: organizational coaching. Organizational coaches support the manager and help the company to learn powerfully from itself through structured self-reflection.

Based on his many years of experience, the author provides new food for thought and underpins this with experiences from everyday practice. He surprises with impulses that benefit everyone: Employees and managers, companies and consultants – by promoting cooperation, creativity and responsibility.

Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 978-3658241025

Work - the most beautiful minor matter in the world. How New Work is revolutionizing our working world

Complexity, networking, flexibility and dynamism are the key characteristics of our modern working society. Time to ask how we want to shape our work in general – as people, as a company and as a society. What role should work play in our lives and how do we want to deal with the digitalization of the world of work and society in the future?

Markus Väth provides new perspectives on the future of work and presents ideas and impulses – on an individual, organizational, economic and social level. He takes us into the considerations of the New Work movement: What is humane and meaningful work? What skills will we need in the working world of the future? It’s not just about digitalization or flat hierarchies. It deals with the crucial issues of today’s working world. It’s about the whole thing.

Year of publication: 2016

Cooldown. The future of work and how we master it

How can we master the demands of the modern working world? Fundamental things have changed in recent years and will continue to change rapidly: We have to tame the ever-increasing flood of information, develop our social skills in networks, manage our time and resources better and better, lead our employees (and bosses) with competence and, last but not least, recognize an individual purpose in our work.

The INSEL model presented in this book attempts to provide answers to five dimensions: Information, Network, Self-Management, Ethics and Leadership. The INSEL is an idea of how individuals can find their way in the working world of tomorrow and provides answers to key questions, for example: How do I deal with information economically and efficiently? How do I acquire social skills and build sustainable networks? How do I organize myself in an increasingly complex working world?

Year of publication: 2013

I'll call it a day when I'm dead. Why we are sinking into burnout

Burnout is becoming an increasingly important phenomenon in business and society, with costs running into billions. Until now, burnout has been seen as an individual problem, but in reality it is at the end of a chain of undesirable developments: the inhumane principle of multitasking, the dissolution of boundaries in working life, the illusion of time management, poorly trained bosses and questionable values. Burnout affects everyone: Managers and company leaders who are looking for ways out of the “business as usual” mentality and, last but not least, the “”normal”” employee.

Markus Väth analyzes corporate and social grievances and shows how we can create a more humane and ultimately more productive working world.

Year of publication: 2011

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