People want to make a difference with their work, they want to make a difference. I will show you how you can achieve this with the idea of “radical work” – whether as an individual, as a team or as an entire organization.
Years of experience
Customer projects
Articles & Interviews
What does radical work mean?
First of all, “radical” does not mean tearing things down or calling for a revolution. Quite the opposite. “Radical” comes from the Latin “radix” (“root”) and stands for the essential, for what is important about something. This essence wants to be discovered and realized, especially in our work.
In the end, the path of radical work leads to the essentials of work: effectiveness and meaning for the individual, productive and creative collaboration within teams as well as reflection and orientation on the future of an organization.
My colleague Romy Kopsch and I interview people who are radically changing the world of work with their ideas – radically in the sense of the Latin “radix” (“root”). Our guests are very diverse personalities who are bringing work back to its valuable roots: human development and productivity, sustainable organizations and a progressive society.