
Open management workshop

Leadership is one of the most exciting, but also one of the most challenging topics in organizations. There is almost nothing that leadership does not influence: collaboration, processes, innovation, etc. In this respect, managers have enormous potential as drivers of value creation – but this also needs to be leveraged.

I train managers with everything they need to lead themselves and their employees. In doing so, I rely on a mixture of a solid theoretical basis and practical application in order to expand added value and at the same time not wear out either myself or my employees.

The most important facts in brief

  • 10-day workshop: own role, mental strength, focus on employees, focus on team, focus on innovation)
  • Small group (maximum seven participants)
  • Can also be carried out in-house on request
  • Dates 2024: see below


Self-management: Your own role

  • Leadership role
  • Responsibility Process
  • Guided tour

Self-management: Mental strength

  • Working under pressure
  • Resilience
  • Self-management

Leadership: Focus on employees

  • Target work and delegation
  • Strengths-oriented leadership
  • Conversation management and conflict work

Leadership: Focus on the team

  • Agile team leadership
  • Remote Leadership
  • Team conflicts

Leadership: Focus on innovation

  • Liberating Structures
  • CIP
  • OKR

This workshop is aimed in particular at middle and lower-level managers such as department heads and team leaders.

A ticket for the ten-day management workshop costs EUR 7,250 net; participants are responsible for their own travel costs and expenses. The early bird ticket costs EUR 6,500 net up to eight weeks before the start of the event. Graduated prices can be agreed for several participants from one company.

The next course will start in the second half of 2024. It is not yet clear when exactly.

The live modules take place at “club199 | the social hub”, Luitpoldstr. 12, 90402 Nuremberg.

The following cancellation deadlines apply:

  • up to eight weeks before the start of training: free of charge
  • up to four weeks before the start of the training: 50 percent of the net price plus VAT
  • thereafter: 90 percent of the net price plus VAT

However, in the event of cancellation, a suitable replacement participant can be named with the consent of the workshop leader.

Get in touch

Contact me without obligation and I will be happy to advise you.


+49 (0) 176 2323 6087


Oldenburger Straße 4
90425 Nuremberg