Good leadership is needed more than ever. In a time of complex challenges, organizations need leaders who act credibly and competently internally and understand the challenges of the environment. In this difficult situation, I support your managers through leadership workshops, themed workshops and targeted leadership coaching.
How I support your leadership
Business Case 1: Management workshop
In my leadership workshop, managers learn the essentials of New Leadership: What kind of environment does leadership take place in today? What are the principles of successful leadership in these new times? Which models and methods do I need to know and apply? We answer these and other questions in the leadership workshop – in which there is also plenty of space for specific practical cases from the participants’ environment.
Sometimes a management team needs targeted support on a specific topic. This could be strategy development, taking stock of New Work, an individual topic such as ownership and taking responsibility or introducing the principles of New Leadership. I design all workshops to be highly interactive, regardless of whether they take place live or virtually.
Business Case 3: Leadership Coaching
Some topics are better discussed and dealt with in private. Individual coaching can be helpful when it comes to your own leadership performance, problems in the team or your own stress levels (to name just a few examples). As a trained psychologist and certified business coach, I support your managers with their individual challenges.
The fewer people who can do the work, the more carefully and purposefully these people need to be managed. This also requires leadership know-how in order to guide their employees effectively and efficiently. Otherwise there is a risk of loss of productivity or – even worse – the loss of valuable employees. In my online seminar, you will gain valuable psychological knowledge for your daily management practice.